We’re finally ready! Come on in and write!
Ideally, you should check the blue book on the desk and sign up at least a day in advance, to make sure that your preferred time is available. But don’t hesitate to drop by just to see if the space is free! We have wifi, writer’s resources, and a writer’s most important tool, other than pen and paper: a chair in which to park your, er, center of gravity.
In order to keep use of the space cost-free, and keep the Meadowlark/Sunbridge space free of bulky equipment, we do not offer a printer or photocopier. We also cannot lend out resource materials, but please feel free to use our limited copying service. Details in the binder on the Writer’s Space desk.
Check back with us soon for news about upcoming events for readers and writers, the launch of our online store, and our partnership with new ebook retailer, Zolabooks.