Helpful Links
Center for Fiction. In a distant future world where writers flock to the suburbs, Cuppa Pulp may aspire to be something like this. A New-York-City based Emerald City for fiction writers. Not much online interactivity, but look at what one writer’s center can do!
Duotrope. Offering a free searchable database of fiction writer’s markets, updated monthly, plus personal submission tracking if you register for an account (which is also free).
Fanstory. An online community for writers who want to get read! Upload your work and read others’ work.
Gotham Writer’s Workshop. Offering online workshops in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and multiple sub-genres including screenwriting, memoir, sic-fi/fantasy, etc., etc., in addition to live workshops based in New York City. You can also connect to a private writing coach online, if you’re working on a more advanced project.
Togather. Still in its beta phase, we came across this online initiative at the 2012 Brooklyn Book Festival. Striving to connect authors with readers by helping us plan events with each other!
Writer Unboxed. A truly entertaining and mind-expanding blog about and for writers, offering author and industry interviews, advice on craft ranging from tips to the whole iceberg, and a portal to many fine online resources.
Articles and Blogs by Cuppa Pulp Featured Authors and Friends
7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, By Emmy Laybourne. Emmy Laybourne recently guest-blogged for Chuck Sambuchino, sharing some tips to help you focus your writing life.
The Business of Writing. James King’s funny, insightful blog on the writing life. Be sure to dig back into the archives for posts he wrote during the process of getting Bill Warrington’s Last Chance published. A great introductory education to the book world!
Lauren Groff on Arcadia. Lauren Groff recently packed a seminar for the New York Writer’s Institute at SUNY Albany. She discussed her writing process for Arcadia while pregnant and parenting a toddler, and more!
Perfect Whole. Julie Goldberg sounds off on education, religion, lifestyle, and politics with brilliance and wit. “[A] too-seldom updated, excruciatingly well-crafted blog.”